
according to a dpa website, to receive temporary

 The target by itself does not lower emissions but helps set federal government policy and provides a framework for businesses, cities and states to work towards. A 50% reduction by 2030 would "be a challenge", according to Nathan Hultman, director at Center for Global Sustainability at the University of Maryland, who helped design the Obama era goal, but would be achievable with a "whole of society approach". The international credibility of the world's second largest carbon polluter was severely damaged during the Trump administration, when the US pulled out of the Paris climate agreement and dismantled various rules aimed to reduce emissions. As soon as you drive any car out of a dealers driveway it loses value instantly and continues to do so . As well as suffering wear and tear from general use a motor car is also subjected to damage from the weather. Further from other motor vehicles colliding with it or running into common objects as well being stolen..